Thursday, Mar 27, 2025
Countdown to April 15:
Make your tax appointment online
I'm back to doing in-person appointments now. You can set your tax appointment online. Check available times anytime, day or night. Just go to our Appointments page.
Need to change an appointment you've already scheduled? You can do that online, too.
We will continue to prepare and file tax returns virtually as well. To provide your tax documents to us, you may:
- Upload electronic documents (PDF, etc) to our secure online file space. (Email us for details)
- Place paper documents in the black and white lockbox next to my office door (drop slot in the top, under the flap).
- Snail mail paper documents to our office.
You can also email documents, although that method is not secure. If you don't have a scanner, you can photograph documents with a smartphone.
Latest coronavirus-related tax news
Economic Impact Payment: If the IRS does not have current bank information for you to be able to do direct deposit, you can provide your current bank info at Currently, the service is available for people who have not filed a return. Within the next few days, a tool will be available to update bank info for taxpayers who have filed.
Social Security recipients who don't need to file tax returns and have their Social Security benefits direct deposited don't need to do anything. They will receive their Economic Impact Payments based on the Social Security information.
The Economic Impact Payment will not be taxable on your 2020 tax return.
June 15 estimated payment: Besides the April 15 estimated tax payment previously extended, today's the IRS has now extended relief to estimated tax payments due June 15, 2020. This means that any individual can wait until July 15 to make that payment, without penalty.
Paper returns: The IRS is not currently able to process individual paper tax returns. All taxpayers are urged to file electronically. Paper returns will be processed once processing centers are able to reopen.
Calling IRS: IRS phone lines supported by customer service representatives for both taxpayers and tax professionals are not staffed at this time.
IRS Coronavirus news: In addition to, IRS has set up a separate page for the flood of coronavirus-related news releases:
Latest IRS info:
-- Coronavirus Tax Relief Center
-- Filing and Payment Deadline Extended to July 15, 2020 - Updated Statement
Coronavirus Tax Relief
The IRS and Arizona have extended the due date to July 15, 2020, both for filing income tax returns and for payments due on those returns for individuals and other unincorporated entities.
Associated interest, additions to tax, and penalties for late payment will also be suspended until July 15, 2020. Taxpayers will not need to appy for relief from penalties and interest for payments made during this time.
The IRS established a special webpage at for tax-related information. For more information, see Tax Day now July 15 and Treasury and IRS Issue Guidance on Deferring Tax Payments Due to COVID-19 Outbreak
Where's my refund?
Click here to get an instant answer from the IRS. You'll need the exact dollar amount of your refund, Social Security number and filing status.
For Arizona refunds, visit Check Refund Status.
If you have a business...
... remember that partnership and corporate tax returns are due Mar. 15, not Apr. 15. That includes multi-member LLC's. We'll gladly prepare your business return.
Partnership and corporate returns may be extended to Sept. 15. Let us know if you need more time to file your corporate return.
Gotta get it together?
Need a tax organizer to help pull everything together for tax time?
Visit our resources page for helpful worksheets.
You may also want to look at the article 10 Steps To Tax Preparation
Call or email now for your tax appointment. Weekday, evening and weekend appointments are available for your convenience.